despite yourself
Trying to re-connect
We all here, despite ourselves
"Look at yourself, you are the rabbit in the fairy tale.
Nothing has to be the way you were taught. Get some rest and rewrite the tale." Hayalcan Deniz
"Depicts a moonlight which enlightens the night." Yasemin Green
"One 'we' consists of how many you?" Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan
"Choose your side, pay attention to what comes to your mind when you first encounter the photo." Kerim Arslan
"This sculpture named samsara is the visualization of Nature's repeating vicious cycle in an organic form." Arif Çekderi
When a bomb made of language
bursts. Osman Gültepe
And many

Acrylic, Oil
120cm x 160cm

One 'we' consists of how many you?
42cm x42cm

"Choose your side"
Choose your side, pay attention to what comes to your mind when you first encounter the photo.
Print, Canvas
120cm x 150cm

This sculpture named samsara is the visualization of Nature's repeating vicious cycle in an organic form.
Metal Sculpture
66cm x 66cm x 33cm

“Den grimme ælling”
You are beautiful in every color and shape. There is no need for
any further effort.
25cm x 25cm

When a bomb made of language
201863cm x 47cm

Depicts a moonlight which
enlightens the night.
Oil Painting

"All Matters"
Out of the borders of the duality all is one and one is all. All matters when they reached to each other in a cosmic limit.
Ink, Paper
75 x 55

The artist aims to create a whole by using classical calligraphy and forms used in calligraphy art, traditional and contemporary techniques in his works.
Acrylic & Ink
100cm x 140cm

This sculpture named samsara is the visualization of Nature's repeating vicious cycle in an organic form.
35cm x 15cm x 15cm