Featured collection
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Hazzopulo Pasajı, Beyoğlu, 1958
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Lafza-i Celâl, Edirne, 1956
Sale price60,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler - Eski Galata Köprüsünde Trafik, 1956
Sale price120,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Kumkapı, 1952 Gümüş baskı, 37,5 x 39 cm
Sale price90,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Maden işçisi, Karabük, 1968
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Sirkeci 1958
Sale price110,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2004
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2005
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2005 Panorama
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bedia Çolak “Ali” 1994
Sale price0.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Sale price0.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Beygü Gökçin İstanbuldan Uzaklarda, 1995
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar Karnaval 9, 2024
Sale price62,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar | Gold Digger
Sale price16,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar | Gout & Wide
Sale price16,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar | Karnaval 6
Sale price44,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar | Karnaval 7
Sale price44,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Çağrı Dizdar | Pencereler
Sale price40,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Halil Ege Doğramacı Haç 3, 2018
Sale price310,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Hürkan Alcan Circum, 2022
Sale price8,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Hüseyin Rüstemoğlu Untitled, 2017
Sale price32,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kadir Çıtak Balık, 2022
Sale price5,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kirkor Sahakoğlu
Sale price0.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Mark Rothko - Orange and Yellow, 1956
Sale price4,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Mark Rothko -Untitled 1954 (Green, White and Yellow on Yellow)
Sale price4,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.1 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.10 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.2 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.3 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.4 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.5 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Peter Hristoff On Dua, Dua No.6 5/17 edition ,1997
Sale price42,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Awakened Anew... Fine Art Print
Sale price4,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Shaman Village. Fine Art Print
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | 'Tunnel of Time'
Sale price182,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | 'WE' | Trying to Re-Connect
Sale price72,500.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | I'Portal: Beyond the Door'
Sale price58,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Intestine War II
Sale price72,500.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Ascension Installation | Yükseliş Enstalasyon
Sale price135,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Kemikleşmiş İsyanlar & Geldiler Enstalasyon
Sale price120,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | Anthrenus Verbasci
Sale price400,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Dilara Altınkepçe Arslan | ID | Vesika
Sale price60,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan | 2023 Corvus
Sale price18,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan x Bulut Ege Mumcular | Naklen
Sale price200,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol x Kerim Arslan - Dolp
Sale price64,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan x Selçuk Pol "Ink-Stained Moon: Calligraphy Lunar Portrait"
Sale price64,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan | ALAMET | THE OMEN 06
Sale price48,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan | ALAMET | THE OMEN 05
Sale price48,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan | ALAMET | THE OMEN 04
Sale price48,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan | ALAMET | THE OMEN 03
Sale price48,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | BUW7
Sale price40,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | BUW12
Sale price24,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | FGN3 | Fine Art Print
Sale price5,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | FGN-S | Fine Art Print
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | BUW11
Sale price24,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Kerim Arslan x Selçuk Pol "Ink-Stained Moon: Calligraphy Lunar Portrait"
Sale price64,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol x Kerim Arslan - Dolp
Sale price64,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Selçuk Pol | BUW6
Sale price32,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Gizem Malkoç | Kitsune | Fine Art Print
Sale price3,200.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Gizem Malkoç | Stella | Fine Art Print
Sale price3,200.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Gizem Malkoç | Spotless I | Fine Art Print
Sale price3,600.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Gizem Malkoç | All Matters
Sale price40,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Uğur Savaş | DONENCE
Sale price36,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Uğur Savaş | David Lynch in wood
Sale price36,000.00TL