Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Hazzopulo Pasajı, Beyoğlu, 1958
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Lafza-i Celâl, Edirne, 1956
Sale price60,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler - Eski Galata Köprüsünde Trafik, 1956
Sale price120,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Kumkapı, 1952 Gümüş baskı, 37,5 x 39 cm
Sale price90,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Maden işçisi, Karabük, 1968
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Ara Güler Sirkeci 1958
Sale price110,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2004
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2005
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Aşçı - İstanbul 2005 Panorama
Sale price100,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Çekderi | SAMSARA
Sale price50,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Çekderi | Significant Otherness
Sale price60,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Çekderi | The Eye
Sale price33,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Arif Çekderi | To Be More Resilient
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bedia Çolak “Ali” 1994
Sale price0.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Sale price0.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül Ay | " Portrait - I "
Sale price53,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül Ay | " Portrait - II "
Sale price53,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ FLOW - I ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ FLOW - II ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ GRAVITY - I ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ GRAVITY - II ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ Hidirellez I "
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ Hidirellez II "
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ LA NAUSÉE - I ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ LA NAUSÉE - II ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ SUMMERTIME - I ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ SUMMERTIME - II ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ YOU AND ME - I ”
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Betül AY | “ YOU AND ME - II
Sale price6,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Beygü Gökçin İstanbuldan Uzaklarda, 1995
Sale price80,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | 'İnanç''
Sale price12,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Andaçlar
Sale price25,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Aynadan Otoportre - Self-portrait from the Mirror
Sale price10,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Diva
Sale price20,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Dört - Four
Sale price40,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Eskiz I
Sale price2,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Eskiz II
Sale price4,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Gölge - Shadow
Sale price25,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Habitat / Juli aus Flammen
Sale price35,000.00TL
Nelumbo Studios
Bilge Abur | Haribo Parti Boy
Sale price18,000.00TL
Featured Artwork

Karnaval 9, 2024
Murakka üzerine akrilik, guaj,
mürekkep ve altın(18k, 22k), 24x39cm
A Collection Exhibition
"In The Presence Of Being"
Curator - Nil Nuhoğlu
Collector - Ali Özbatur